Parts of the Body
Here are the terms used for the parts of the body which are frequently used in karate. Learn it by heart and with the help of the accompanying illustrations.
This part of the fist is probably the most often used for attacks, so it should be utilized properly. Consider this-if your punch strong, it means that you are using your hand; you may turn your body to add some power from your back and hip muscles. You may also step forward to add speed to your body which is moving towards the target. If your wrist is weak, all this power will twist it, instead of going into the target. It is a common trauma.
To close the fist properly, start from the baby finger, then ring finger, and so on;the thumb is the last. The thumb should be on the side of the fist (approximately on top of the middle finger), NOT on top of the fist, covering the pointing finger. Beginners often get traumas when this rule is neglected.
The area used for the punch (the seiken) is circled in the following picture. It includes the knuckles the pointing and middle fingers.
Note that I am only listing the parts of the body here. Later, when I discuss particular techniques techniques, I will talk about additional details, such as concentration and relaxation, keeping the wrist aligned with the fist, and so on.
This part of the body is used both for blocks and attacks.
It is very important to know that the area you are supposed to use is NOT exactly the side of the palm, but slightly near the center of the palm. If you will feel the bone that connects your baby finger to the wrist. This bone is not protected by the muscles and can easily be broken if you try to use it. Now, move your finger half an inch towards the center of the palm. There you have a large muscle that will protect your bones, allowing you (practice required) to break objects and to block the hands or even the of your opponent.
Enhon Nukite
In this technique, we use the tips of the fingers. It is employed for ''paralyzing'' punches on soft tissues, like the muscles. Note that there are sensitive muscles in many ''bony'' areas; for example between the ribs and on the neck. Also, the technique can be used to attack the face. It is very dangerous if on the eye area. Thus, during competitions, its use is usually forbidden.
As with seiken, the thumb must be pressing against the center of the palm. NOT on top of it (not parallel with the other fingers). Otherwise, it can easily be damaged.
Karate: Parts of the Body 1
Reviewed by Unknown
8:44 PM

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