This is called ''the hammer''. For this technique, use the bottom part of the fist.
Close your hand as if you want to pick up a small amount of salt or sand. Bend your wrist inwardly, as far as it normally bends. In this position, the hand become tense. The outside part of the wrist (where you would normally wear your wrist-watch) is used for blocks or for powerful ''breaking'' attacks.
Oyaubi Ken
The fist is closed with the end of the thumb pushing against the second knuckle of the pointing finger (from the inside). For the strike, the first knuckle of the thumb is used. This technique is very dangerous when used on the temple;so, it is forbidden to be used during competitions.
Close your hand as if you want to pick up a small amount of salt or sand. The punch is delivered by the tip of the fingers. It can be either very fast, to produce a shock (as with attacking the face or the back of the hand); or (not very often) powerful, to penetrate the sensitive areas with soft tissues.
It is sometimes called ura shuto. The fingers are closed together, as in shuto, with thumb pressing against the middle part of the palm. The muscles between the thumb and the pointing finger are used for the strike.
This is called ''the hammer''. For this technique, use the bottom part of the fist.
Close your hand as if you want to pick up a small amount of salt or sand. Bend your wrist inwardly, as far as it normally bends. In this position, the hand become tense. The outside part of the wrist (where you would normally wear your wrist-watch) is used for blocks or for powerful ''breaking'' attacks.
Oyaubi Ken
The fist is closed with the end of the thumb pushing against the second knuckle of the pointing finger (from the inside). For the strike, the first knuckle of the thumb is used. This technique is very dangerous when used on the temple;so, it is forbidden to be used during competitions.
Close your hand as if you want to pick up a small amount of salt or sand. The punch is delivered by the tip of the fingers. It can be either very fast, to produce a shock (as with attacking the face or the back of the hand); or (not very often) powerful, to penetrate the sensitive areas with soft tissues.
It is sometimes called ura shuto. The fingers are closed together, as in shuto, with thumb pressing against the middle part of the palm. The muscles between the thumb and the pointing finger are used for the strike.
Karate: Parts of the Body 3
Reviewed by Unknown
8:43 PM

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